School House News
Welcome to the School House Page
Our House names and colours are:
House points underpin our whole school reward system here at Uplands.
It encourages a team ethos, giving children a shared community to interact with staff and peers from across the school to develop new and stronger relationships.
When children join our Uplands’ community, they will be placed into one of our School Houses. Each house will have a teacher from EYFS, KS1 and KS2 attached.
The houses will come together in a House Assembly at the start of every new term.
House Captains are elected from year 6 children for each team, and they have the important role of providing positive leadership to the children in their House.
House Captains will be elected termly. The Year 6 House Captains will collect the class points each week.
We will celebrate our winning house during a Friday Celebration Assembly. All staff are able to award team points.