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School Council

School Council elections for this academic year happened across the school in October. For those children who were interested in becoming a school councillor, they are asked to make a pitch to their class giving reasons why the class should vote for them. Each candidate had to think carefully about why they wanted to become a school councillor, what would make them a good representative, what they promised to do and what they would like to improve/change around school for the benefit of all children. Elections take place in each year and there are two candidates from each year chosen to represent the school. 

The aim of Uplands School Council is to be an effective democratic school council via:

  • Team work - participate, co-operate and problem solve as a team
  • Pupil Voice - listen to, represent and respect all pupils’ opinions – and in turn, be heard
  • Think Positive - contribute to positive and sensible decisions, improvements and changes for the good of the school community
  • Wise up – councillors learn new skills, gaining a valuable insight into being an active citizen
     One of the responsibilities of being a school councillor includes the children maintaining the highest standards of behaviour and be a good role model.

School Council meets approximately every fortnight. School Council will help the school and local community become a safer, healthier and more peaceful place to live in. The councillors will feedback to classes as soon as possible after a meeting, returning with any further action or information at the next meeting as required.