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Statistics show that children who attend school for less than 95% of possible attendance do less well, both academically and socially. At Uplands Primary, we expect children to be in school for 100% of possible sessions. Where attendance falls below 95%, attendance will be closely monitored and you will be asked to meet with the Headteacher to discuss how we can support your child to attend school regularly. Sickness absence is generally recorded as 'authorised'. However, if your child is persistently absent, even if you have given sickness as a reason, we may not authorise the absence without a doctor's note or evidence of a visit to a medical professional.

The table below converts attendance percentages into time missed over 12 years of your child’s education

% Attendance

By End of Key Stage 1 (Year 2)

By End of Key Stage 2 (Year 6)

By End of Secondary School (Year 11)






Nearly ½ term missed

Nearly a whole term missed

Two whole terms missed


Nearly a whole term missed

Nearly 2 whole terms missed

Over 1 ½ years missed


1 ½ terms missed

Nearly a whole year missed

Nearly 2 years missed


2 terms missed

One year and one term missed

2 years and 2 terms missed

Holidays During Term Time

The Headteacher is unable to authorise holiday during term time. A leave of absence will only be authorised if the Headteacher deems it an exceptional circumstance. Unauthorised holiday will be subject to a fixed penalty notice.

Holiday taken during term-time has an impact on your child's attendance and is reported to the Local Authority by the Headteacher for the school year.

School Term Dates Covering the next 2 Years

Please see here for the link to the NHS website - Can my child go to School?